Originally published at: Exoplanet
Hello, space cowboys!
As we’ve promised, we’re starting to tell you about the tastiest changes which are waiting for you in the major update 0.70. And the first one is intro cinematic.

Jack Sharp’s story will finally be introduced not only by a small description on the load screen, but by a proper dramatic cinematic. We’ve put a lot of effort into it, to show how a self-confident captain Jack Sharp found himself in a desert on an unknown planet without a ship and without any chance to get out from there.

In the intro you will also meet Smiley who hired Jack to take his cargo to the far away planet K’Tharsis distant from the Core Worlds.
By the way, the characters in the cinematic have voices—it’s our first test of a comprehensive voiceover, so don’t hesitate to leave feedback about the voices—maybe we should use these actors for the voiceover inside the game.

In the cinematic there are a couple of surprises for the most attentive watchers—references to our favourite series. Can you find them?
And finally we want to congratulate the winners who got the keys in our weekly raffle in Discord:
@! apple bum
Have a nice game, guys!

We remind you that you still have a chance to get a free key if you join our channel in Discord. And if you’re not lucky for the first time, don’t worry, you’ll automatically become a participant of the next weekly raffles up to the release of the major update 0.70.
Don’t forget to peer into our #devblog in Discord to get the freshest news from the development process and leave your feedback!
See you on K’Tharsis!